Living Free


Living Free

 “Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:30

Love this verse!! Life is so hectic and we often get busy doing “things” and get distracted from what really matters. At a young age…I see that “big ticket items” are not what brings happiness. It’s not driving a BMW (which I have in the past), it’s not living in a HUGE house, it’s not making more $$$ than you know what to do with, it’s not having the latest and greatest, it’s not being the “top dog” at your job….it’s simply the moments and laughter you share with those you love. When you keep company with the Master…you are satisfied. It doesn’t mean the desire of the flesh goes away but it means you can have true fulfillment in Him. See when you become materialistic, you can never have enough…once you have the car, then you need a bigger house, then a boat, then a second home etc….it’s a chain of never-ending misery.  I’m so thankful that we can LIVE FREE and not have to torture ourselves with “never being good enough”. I have learned that I am most fulfilled when I’m watching my 2 year old laugh at me making goofy faces or when the love of my life and I are spending time together…these things are the furthest from materialism. I am most fulfilled when I am worshipping my Father, when He meets me where I am and says, child I love you.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with wanting to own nice things in life but when those nice things own you….they begin sucking the joy from your being. You will never be truly fulfilled until you “dine with the King”. He is your source, your joy, your happiness. Come to Him and He will sustain you.

Today I want to challenge you to laugh more with the ones you love. Spend more time with your Creator. Enjoy each moment of life and don’t take one second for granted. God is good and He wants you to live lightly and freely.



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